Building a more positive landscape by streamlining industries across the world


Respecting and harnessing each member’s unique strengths, characteristics, and skills

Satoshi Miyatani

We hear the buzzwords, “DX” and “digital twin” so often nowadays that it’s easy to forget their real purpose, which is to improve people’s lives. This includes helping people achieve better work-life balance by making their workflows more productive, helping people respond quickly and accurately in the event of a natural disaster, and reducing the need for large numbers of people to be involved in dangerous work. These are just a small sample of the kinds of social issues that our engineering and business teams collaborate to solve.

As a team, we respect each member’s unique strengths, characteristics, and skills, and collaborate closely with speed. We hope to make a positive contribution to the world alongside our partners and clients.

CEO Satoshi Miyatani



What we’re looking for

  • ability to collaborate fairly with others regardless of nationality, age, or gender
  • ability to communicate openly, constructively, and positively
  • people who find it rewarding to address social issues
  • ability to take initiative to solve problems with a sense of ownership and entrepreneurial spirit